Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Todd Agnew - Grace Like Rain

I used to think that the world got worse as I grew older. In a way, that is true. However, I've slowly learnt that the world hasn't grown worse; I've just become more aware of its fallen and twisted state.

I won't say that I was and am a sheltered child. I've always known to some extent that the world is full of sin. Perhaps this is due to my Christian upbringing... My parents did not hide subjects like adultery, murder, rape or the Holocaust from me when I was growing up. When I had a question about a touchy subject, they always answered truthfully and honestly.

But when I was on Wikipedia today, I came across this picture from the Bosnian War. And then I realised - this happened the year I was born. There were girls who were my age then who were suffering the day I was born. While I was living my miserable, depressed, self-centred existence, they were truly miserable and suffering.

It's as if they had a right to be depressed.

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